Thursday, October 17, 2019

Jason and demarco Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Jason and demarco - Essay Example Although unorthodox, this brief analysis will work to examine Jason and DeMarco’s ministry as a function of how it compares to the mores of mainline Christianity and how it might differ. In order to accomplish such a task, the author has pulled together resources from Jason and DeMarco’s own website, their biography as expounded upon in a July 2004 issue of The Advocate, as well as selected works from their own discography and select music videos in the hopes of better understanding how they relate to mainstream Christianity. The clear and obvious fact of the matter is that this duo is most differentiated by the fact that they are a homosexual couple; while at the same time they are a musical group that works to promote the love of Christ throughout the communities they serve. Although Jason and DeMarco describe their spiritual mission as concentric upon witnessing to and spreading the word of God within the LGBT community, the group appeals to Christians of all sexual orientations as well. From a standpoint of their ministry, the most positive factor is that the duo has not let their homosexuality serve as a reason for not pursuing their faith. In a way, Jason and DeMarco are pioneers in this regard due to the fact that discrimination and early trials would have been enough to discourage anyone for continuing to align themselves with such a group that provided such high levels of judgment and non-acceptance as did those Christian groups that Jason and DeMarco were originally associated with (Quittner 36). However, rather than letting this be a discouragement, the duo forged ahead and sought to find an outlet in which they could both share their love for one another while at the same time pursuing their mutual passion of spreading the love of God. Similarly, a secondary positive factor relates to the fact that the message of love and acceptance that Christianity portends to all mankind is equally encapsulated in the ministry of Jason and DeMarco. Although this may seem incongruous to many Christians, the fact of the matter is that these two are furthering the very same Christ-like virtues that are intended to be spread by the church on earth according to Christ’s own teachings. Although many Christians might not accept their lifestyle (CITE), the fact remains that the duo are promoting the same type of love and acceptance that Christ himself ministered to during His time on earth. With respect to a negative aspect of their spiritual mission, the author finds it somewhat troubling that their ministry is so focused and concentric around the relationship that the two share with one another. Although this is doubtless a defining characteristic of the duo, it may not necessarily be the best vehicle with which to approach the focus of their ministry. As Christ should necessarily be the central focus of their musical ministry, it is somewhat distracting that the types of performance, music videos, and copious articles that a re written on the duo are almost entirely focused upon the fact that they are a gay couple who happens to be contemporary Christian performers. Perhaps a better model would be for the group to market and bill themselves as contemporary Christian performers who just so happen to share a homosexual lifestyle together. Although most of this press attention is not

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